Philodendron Rojo Congo is a standout when it comes to indoor house plants, It is impressive and vibrant. They produce flowers. These towering tropical vines are perfect for adding a bit of drama to your interior space and they’re very easy to care for. They also make great companion plants, because they help remove toxins from the air and soil. Whether you have acidic or alkaline soil, there’s a philodendron that can thrive in your home. However, it is important to understand which type of philodendron best suits your unique indoor environment before bringing one home as a new addition to your household plants collection. Read on to learn more about planting and caring for your red Congo philodendron so it thrives in its indoor environment.
What You Should Know Before You Buy
Before you buy a lush philodendron plant, it’s important to understand which type of philodendron you’re likely to find for sale. The most common red Congo varieties include the Emerald, Ruby, Red Heart, and Black Heart philodendrons. However, the Emerald philodendron is typically green and the Ruby variety is a red-leaved plant. The Red Heart and Black Heart philodendron varieties have reddish leaves that grow with a more intense color than the Red Congo variety.
Philodendron Rojo Congo scientific classification,
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Alismatales
Family: Araceae
Subfamily: Aroideae
Tribe: Philodendron
Genus: Philodendron
Species: P. rojo congo
Philodendron Rojo Congo however has dark green leaves with a glowing copper tone to them. Depending on the size of the plant you buy, you can expect your philodendron to mature and produce vines that can grow as long as 4 feet. There are two types of Philo Rojo congo, climbing, and non-climbing. You’ll want to look for a fresh and healthy philodendron Rojo congo plant at a reputable nursery or garden center. Your philodendron should be free of pests or disease, show no signs of wilting, and have a fresh, green appearance. Avoid bringing home philodendrons in pots that are sitting in standing water, as these plants need their soil to be kept moist but not soggy.
How to Care for Your Rojo Congo Philodendron
While philodendrons are fairly low-maintenance plants, they do require regular watering, proper fertilization, and proper pruning to thrive. Make sure you’re following these helpful tips for keeping your philodendron healthy so it produces vibrant foliage and beautiful flowers.
Water regularly – The best way to determine if your philodendron needs watering is to check the soil. Avoid planting your philodendron in soil that is too wet or too dry, as this will negatively impact the health of the plant. Be sure to water your philodendron thoroughly and thoroughly water it again until the soil is moist.
Feed regularly – Feeding your philodendron regularly will help keep it healthy and attractive. Feed your philodendron with a balanced houseplant fertilizer that is high in nitrogen and low in phosphorous and potassium. Different ratios won’t hurt the red congo philodendron plant. Give your philodendron a feeding every two weeks during its growing season.
Prune monthly – Prune your philodendron every month to two to keep it healthy, attractive, and within the bounds of your indoor space. You’ll want to prune the philodendron when spotted a sad-looking leaf to keep it under control and produce a beautiful specimen. You can prune your philodendron at any time of year, but spring is the best time to do it.
Sunlight requirements – Too much or too little sun can be harmful. This plant prefers bright, indirect sunlight. If it is placed in direct sunlight, the leaves will scorch and turn brown. Too little sunlight will cause the leaves to become pale and limp. The best way to determine the right amount of sunlight is to experiment a bit and see what works best for your plant.
How to Grow a Philodendron from Seed
If you are interested in growing a philodendron from seed, there are a few things you should know before you begin.
First, three main philodendron varieties produce viable seeds: Emerald, Ruby, and Red Heart. You can also buy seeds from other varieties of philodendron, but the plants might not look exactly like the mature philodendron Rojo congo you’re hoping for.
Once you have your seeds, you’ll need to sprout them before planting them in the soil. To sprout your seeds, put them in a damp paper towel and put the whole thing in a warm place. For best results, don’t put the towel in the sunlight.
Once the seeds sprout, it’s time to plant them. Before you do, make sure the soil is moist. You can buy philodendron starter kits that include everything you need to grow philodendrons from seed, or you can buy everything separately.
Philodendron Rojo Congo Propagation
To propagate your philodendron Rojo congo, you will need:
- One healthy, established philodendron Rojo congo plant
- A sharp knife
- A potting container filled with well-draining potting mix
Step 1: Using a sharp knife, carefully remove a 4-6 inch section of stem from your established philodendron Rojo congo plant. Make sure that the section of stem you remove has at least 2-3 leaves.
Step 2: Place the section of stem you removed in the potting container filled with well-draining potting mix. Make sure that the portion of the stem that was buried in the soil is buried in the potting mix as well.
Step 3: Water your philodendron Rojo congo propagation well and place the pot in a bright, indirect light location.
Step 4: Keep an eye on your philodendron Rojo congo propagation. Once new growth appears, you can begin watering it regularly.
Is Rojo Congo plant Toxic?
Unfortunately, the philodendron Rojo congo plant is toxic to both humans and pets if ingested. The plant contains a chemical called oxalate which can cause burning and irritation of the skin, mouth, and throat. In severe cases, ingestion of the plant can lead to difficulty breathing, coma, and death. If you have this plant in your home, it is important to keep it out of reach of children and pets.
The towering red Congo philodendron is an impressive houseplant that can grow as long as 30 feet. There are two varieties of red Congo philodendron available for indoor growing, climbers and non-climbers. To care for your philodendron, make sure you’re watering it properly, feeding it properly, and pruning it properly. You can also grow philodendrons from seed to have the variety you want in your home. Whether you choose a red Congo philodendron or another variety, this towering indoor plant is sure to impress.