As a parent, you want the best for your teen, and when you discover that they have anxiety, it can be difficult to know what to do to support them. You may research, such as reading Brillia reviews from parents, or contact a mental health professional. However, you should also create a supportive environment for your teen.
Parent Strategies
Your primary job as a parent of anxious teens is to support your teens. Part of this is creating an environment of acceptance and love. You need to accept yourself and teach your teens to accept themselves.
Learn anger management strategies so that your reactions are healthier when your teens do things they shouldn’t. Your teens may also purposely push your buttons. Instead of responding in anger, walk away.
However, you also need to set firm, healthy boundaries. Understand that your teens are searching for self-identity and independence and will push your restrictions, but do not allow them to get away with it. Make sure your teens experience the consequences of violating your rules, but teach them why these boundaries are in place.
Also, always try to be positive when you speak with or approach your teens. They do not have positive reactions to frustration or anger. In addition, you should give them the benefit of the doubt, realizing that there may be a reasonable explanation.
Techniques To Communicate
Open communication is vital if your teen is struggling with anxiety. You need to really listen to what they say, watch their nonverbal communication and pay attention to their tone of voice. Show support for their feelings without enabling any excuses or blame. Avoid criticism and judgment.
Ask about their feelings and thoughts. Talk about anxiety, its diagnosis and its symptoms. Use examples to show your teen how you dealt with anxiety. Be encouraging, and show them how to face their fears. However, listen more than you teach. Recognize their achievements, including how well they deal with their anxiety.
Also, learn what questions to ask. Inquire about things in such a way that they learn deductive reasoning and decision-making. Avoid nagging, and look for solutions. For example, you may ask how you can help your teens, such as changing schedules to help them get their homework done each evening.
Teach Them Coping Mechanisms
Before you look for natural anxiety medication for teenager, teach your teens how to cope with and release their anxiety. One practice that can be incredibly helpful is mindfulness. Teach your children to focus on their five senses. What do they smell, physically feel, see, taste and hear? This brings them back into the present so they can refocus and release their anxiety.
You should also teach deep breathing techniques. They may need to stop, take a few deep breaths, acknowledge their thoughts and feelings and truly evaluate the situation. You can also help them turn their negative thoughts into positive ones. This helps them face their fears.
When you seek help from a mental health professional, discuss anxiety and ADHD symptoms in teens so you understand what to expect.