For humans, the central nervous system (CNS) controls all functions of our body and mind. Our CNS has two major parts. The brain and the spinal code are those two. As you know, humans have a central brain. But what about another living organism on earth. There are about 9 million species in our world. Let’s find out which organism has a central brain.
These are the organism which has a central brain.
Every mammal is nourished by milk when it is a baby. They are vertebrate animals. But there are many specific characteristics of mammals. Do mammals have a central brain? Yes of course. Humans are mammals too. All mammals do have a CNS.
Mammal species are in many diverse environments. Many of them live in the land, some of them such as dolphins and whales live in the sea. Even in the sky, there are bats. To survive in these kinds of environments, their central brain doing a tremendous job.
Birds (Aves)
The major characteristic for classifying whether a being is a bird is feathers. Even though mammals like bats fly, they don’t have feathers. They have a skin-like structure. Some of the other characteristics of birds are they are warm-blooded animals and vertebrates. Also, they have a four-chambered heart.
Like mammals, all birds have a central nervous system. It controls Flying and all other functions. While flying is the major highlight of birds, there are some species show different characterizes. Ostrich can’t fly but can run very fast, penguins can’t fly but can swim very well.
Some common characteristics among reptiles are they have internal fertilization, and amniotic development, and epidermal scales covering part or all of their body. turtles, tuatara, lizards and snakes, and crocodiles are major groups of reptiles. Birds have similarities to reptiles. All reptiles have a central nervous system.
Reptiles were the dominant species on earth million years ago. Everyone knows about dinosaurs. Reptiles dominate the sky, land, and sea at that time. If that disaster didn’t happen maybe they still. Their central brain involves in thirst, hunger, sexuality, and territoriality. We called the reptilian brain for one part of our brain. It controls all above mentioned habits and procedural memory.
Arthropods are the largest percentage of animals (about 84%). Any of a phylum of invertebrate animals (example: – insects, arachnids, and crustaceans) that have a segmented body and jointed appendages, a usually chitinous exoskeleton molted at intervals, and a dorsal anterior brain connected to a ventral chain of ganglia can be called an Arthropoda.
They are considered as species that have a central brain. But they are a little bit different. It is a segmented one. The brain is in the head at the anterior end, and the ventral nerve cord spanning from the head to the caudal end, the abdomen.
Animals that habitat aquatically and terrestrially are called amphibians. Amphibians were the first to attack land in biological evolution. Now they can divide into three orders. Orde Anura including frogs and toads. Order Caudata including newts and salamanders, and order Gymnophiona including caecilians.
Amphibians have a central nervous system as other vertebrates have. It includes a central brain, a spinal cord, and nerves throughout the body. Their nervous system is not developed as the ones we talked about above. But it is more like fish which we going to talk about next.
The term fish describe a life-form rather than taxonomy. It applied to a variety of species in evolutionary lines including primitive jawless lampreys and hagfishes through the cartilaginous sharks, skates, and rays to the abundant and diverse bony fishes. They live in fresh and salty water. They respirate using the gills.
Do they have a central brain system? Yes. They have the spinal cord and brain. It is a very organized system. We can see some parts of the brain outside in some fish species. The brain receives information from sense organs that monitor conditions both within and around the fish.
If any member of a phylum of invertebrate animals that have characteristics such as by the possession of a body cavity (or coelom), movable bristles (or setae), and a body divided into segments by transverse rings, or annulations, from which they take their name are called annelids. Phylum’s name is Annelida. Also called segment worms.
They have brains. Their nervous system consists of a primitive compact brain in the anterior of the body. It is connected with two ventral nerve cords that connect with ganglia in each segment. Evolved specialized sense organs like eyes, taste buds, statocysts can see in them.
So which organism has not central brain?
Any soft-bodied invertebrate of the phylum Mollusca, usually wholly or partly enclosed in a calcium carbonate shell secreted by a soft mantle covering the body, For example, snails. One of the special details about them is that they are the most diverse group in the Animalia kingdom with over 100 000 species. Mollusks doesn’t have a brain. There have concentrated nerve cells in nerve knots.
Earthworms are among one of the few animal species that live on land and don’t have a brain. These rubbery little creatures are only made up of a few components that allow them to survive a mouth to eat and a mist to defecate and muscles throughout the body that help the worm move and interact with the environment. While earthworms may not have brains to think they do have a valve inside of them that helps to circulate blood flow as well as lymph nodes throughout their body.
Sponges are unique aquatic specimens that have been able to function without the use of a brain since the earliest point in Earth’s history. Otherwise known as the Precambrian era in fact sponges require almost nothing to function properly such as organs muscles or even a nervous system
Nature is wonderful. Studying nature is very interesting. I hope these details will help you to understand about brainless and not brainless animals. Now you may have a clear idea about which organism has a central brain. Stay with us for educating articles like this.